Ready Made Interior PDFs
We now offer ready made interior PDFs in our store. We have a selection of graph paper, dot grid journal, and lined journals. Bundles of our most popular interiors are also available. These interiors are available in the most popular trim sizes: 5×8, 6×9, and 8.5×11. We offer both full bleed and no bleed version of each interior.
Graph paper, also known as: coordinate paper, grid paper, quadrille paper, math paper, or squared paper, is writing paper that is printed with fine lines making up a regular grid of squares.
The lines are used as guides for many applications, including:
- lab notebooks
- quilting, knitting, embroidery, and cross stich planning
- writing practice
- mapping for gaming
- tile design for landscaping, flooring, or bathrooms
- grid method of drawing
Dot Grid journals are also know as bullet journals, or BuJo. (Bullet Journal and BuJO are both trademarks, so don’t use those words in your designs!) It has become a very popular productivity system. There are an endless variety of “spreads”people have created to use in their dot grid journals.
Here’s some of the things people like to keep track of in their dot grid journals:
- bucket list
- food diary
- weekly exercise
- hydration each day
- personal goals
- financial goals
- habit tracker
Journal paper contains horizontal lines that can be used to record a variety of activities. Journals are often used to record thoughts during different times of people’s life. Many people will keep an engagement journal, pregnancy journal, travel journal, or rehabilitation journal.
Journal paper can be used for:
- daily diary
- log book
- keep track of lists
- record passwords
- keep track of spending
- write poems or short stories